We have five unique camp properties spread throughout Minnesota and western Wisconsin—Camp Elk River, Camp Lakamaga, Camp Northwoods, and Camp Singing Hills, and Camp Edith Mayo—that serve our summer camp programs. Whether you love horses, forest trails, the lake, or pretty much any other outdoor amenity, our camps have you covered. These five summer camp locations follow American Camp Association standards and all of our resident camp locations are all American Camp Association accredited which signifies safe, high-quality programs that meet industry and government standards.
Camp Elk River
Located in Zimmerman, MN, Camp Elk River is less than an hour drive from the Twin Cities. It’s known best for the equestrian center and a wide array of horse programs.
Camp Lakamaga
Camp Lakamaga, located in Marine on St. Croix, MN, is also less than an hour drive from the Twin Cities. Campers who love water activities choose Camp Lakamaga year after year!
Camp Singing Hills
Camp Singing Hills, located near Waterville, MN (a 70-minute drive south of the Twin Cities), this camp is our dedicated troop camp facility, and specializes in outdoor skills and archery. With a beach on Fish Lake, this camp is known for water activities!
Additional Camp Properties

Camp Edith Mayo
Camp Edith Mayo, located on the outskirts of Rochester, MN, is the perfect place to experience “camp in the city.” This 40-acre property features the newly remodeled Edith Mayo Program Center which is perfect to rent for day camps, trainings, and programming with an outdoor focus. Throughout the summer Camp Edith Mayo offers day programs and two weeks of council staff-led day camp.
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Camp Northwoods
Camp Northwoods, located in Mason, WI, provides amazing wilderness adventures. It’s an hour drive east of Duluth and close to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness, the Superior Hiking Trail, and Lake Superior. Older campers love Northwoods!

Sagata Troop House
Sagata Troop House is located in a city park on the St. Croix River. While this property not part of our lineup for summer camp, it’s the perfect place to rent for a taste of camping, or, for troop/group meetings.
Renting Our Camps
All of our camp properties are available for rent. Troops and service units can rent our properties/locations for their Girl Scout-related events, campouts, and activities. Non-Girl Scouts can rent them too!